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Simulation metrics

This page provides definitions for the base numbers used in the KPIs you see in your Analytics. To learn about the actual KPIs, select the section you’re interested from this list:

Simulation overview metrics

Simulation overview over time metrics

Simulation click rate metrics

Simulation user metrics

Base number definitions

Click count

Count of clicks on a phishing element (e.g., image, link, simulated file attachments).

Interaction count

Count of interactions on our simulated landing pages. They are recorded when the user tries to add their password in the password field on the page. There is never any danger. No contents are loaded or executed and no passwords can be logged: Users cannot enter passwords into our simulated login masks. Instead, they are immediately taken to the learning page when they click on the password field.

Landing page visit count

Count of visits to our simulated landing pages. Certain simulation phishing emails take the user to a landing page where they are invited to enter their personal credentials.

This count forms the denominator for the Interaction Rate. Clicks that result in the user being sent to a learning page are not reflected in the Interaction Rate, but in the Learning Rate.

Reply count

Percentage of emails sent to which users sent a reply mail. This does not count automatic replies such as out of office replies. In a real phishing attempt, this is often the starting point for cyber criminals to launch complex social engineering attacks on users.

Reported count

Count of simulated phishing emails that were reported with the Phishing Report Button. The metric will be shown as 0 if you do not use the Phishing Report Button at your organization.

Open count

Count of successfully sent emails that were opened in a mail program where the subsequent downloading of external images was also permitted (automatically or through user interaction). Since downloading external images is often disabled, this does not correspond to the number of actually read phishing emails. The latter figure cannot be determined.

Mobile count

Count of visits to our learning pages or simulated phishing websites (after a click on a phishing element) viewed on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

Learning count

Count of learning page visits after an element in a phishing email has been clicked. Reading at least two explanatory texts is considered to be a learning page visit. Visits via the phishing report button are not included.

Learning page mail click count

Count of simulated phishing emails where a click resulted in the user being prompted to learn more about real phishing emails.

This count forms the denominator for the Learning Rate. Clicks that result in the user being sent to a landing page are not reflected in the Learning Rate, but in the Interaction Rate.

click count + interaction count - landing page visit count

Sent mails count

Emails that were successfully delivered to the recipient without any errors.

Count of users in user groups

Count of the number of users by each user group in a campaign. Many customers require a minimum number of users in a group before viewing aggregated data for that group is allowed. This is to maintain privacy where individual results could be directly attributed in a group with too few users.

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