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Simulation user metrics

User rating


This shows the mean rating users give the simulation on a scale from 1 to 5 stars. The number below indicates the total number of ratings received.


This gives a good indication of how happy your employees are with your simulation. Users sometimes react negatively to getting “caught” or if they feel like they are getting tested and evaluated. We recommend positive communication alongside a zero-blame culture.


User agent metrics


These metrics show information about the devices used by your users.

Hover over the pie chart sections to see absolute numbers for each given browser and operating system.

You can also find out which browser versions are being used.


This information can be useful to find out whether outdated browser versions are still in use across your organization.


User overview table

The user overview table provides a set of user-specific metrics for each invited user in the campaign. The table is available if “Individual User Tracking” and “Individual User Data in Customer Report” are enabled, and it can only be viewed for a single campaign.




User’s first and last name


User’s email

User group

User’s user group

Emails sent

Count of emails sent to the user

Click count

User’s individual click count.

Open count

User’s individual open count.

Interaction count

User’s individual interaction count.

Learning count

User’s individual learning count.

Reply count

User’s individual reply count.

Reporting count

User’s individual reporting count.

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