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Simulation overview over time metrics

The metrics explained in Simulation overview metrics also feature in charts showing their development over time. Data is shown for the time between the campaign start date and their current date. Hovering over the chart line allows you to view the exact data for a given date. Note that all charts with the exception of the Emails sent over time chart are cumulative.

Industry benchmark

When activated, the graphs will show an additional horizontal line representing the results of the top 20% performers in your industry. If no industry information is set up for your account, you will see a benchmark value averaged based on the top 20% performers across all industries. These values are based on our internal data.


Examples of over time charts

Emails sent over time

This chart is an exception since it does not show cumulative data. Instead, it shows how many simulated emails were sent on a given day throughout the campaign.


Using multiple tenants? Select the expand below this box to learn how these metrics are affected

Multi-tenant behavior

For all above metrics, multiple tenant views will simply combine the events from all included campaigns. In addition, the charts will begin with the first campaign’s start date through to the current date.


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