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Simulation click rate metrics

The following metrics allow you to dive deeper into your users' click behavior. Unless otherwise specified, all click rates and values are based on the number of emails successfully sent.

Click rate by difficulty

Simulation emails are rated by difficulty. This chart breaks down the click rate into each difficulty category: “Easy”, “Medium”, and “Hard”


Click rate by context

Some simulation emails appear to come from a business, while others appear to come from a private individual sender. This chart breaks down the click rate into the two categories.


Click rate by psychological tactic

Each simulation email appeals primarily to one of several emotional manipulation categories. This chart breaks down the click rate by category. The individual values can be viewed by hovering over the chart.

Impact: This information can be used in your internal communications. Highlight tactics your users are particularly susceptible to.


Click rate by technological method

Each simulation email tricks users through one of several technological tactics. This chart breaks down the click rate by tactic. The individual values can be viewed by hovering over the chart.

Impact: This information can be used in your internal communications. Highlight methods your users are particularly susceptible to.


Click rate by template

This chart shows the click rate for each simulation email template. Hover over a bar to see the exact click rate for the respective template as well as total numbers for it.

Impact: You can use this information to adapt your internal communication but also to gather insights for future campaigns.


Click rate by template expanded

Learn more about individual templates in these boxes. By default, you will see the individual click rates, absolute numbers as well as difficulty and context information. By selecting Show more, you can also preview the emails' subject, sender information as well as its specific learning page.


Using multiple tenants? Select the expand below this box to learn how these metrics are affected

Multi-tenant behavior

For all click rate metrics, the calculation for multiple tenants combines events from all included campaigns. Total counts will therefore be the sum of all individual campaign accounts, and the rates will be the division of the combined sums.

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