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E-Learning - General information / FAQ

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What does this IT security training cover and who conducts it?

SoSafe’s training measures are aimed at all employees in order to train them in the area of cyber security. As part of this awareness building (i.e., raising awareness of cyber security), we offer a comprehensive learning environment on behalf of your employer: 

By means of interactive awareness training with learning modules, short videos, examples from everyday work, and short quizzes, you will learn the most important rules and hints for the safe use of computers, smartphones and data. Topics such as password use, malware detection or data misuse are also covered. 

Additionally, we send simulated phishing e-mails to all employees at irregular intervals. The aim of this simulation is for you to learn how phishing emails work and how to recognize them. Your employer does not receive any individual data about the phishing simulation, only a completely anonymous evaluation. 

This cyber security training is offered to you by your employer and provided by us – SoSafe GmbH in Cologne, Germany.

Will my answers from the e-learning quizzes be reported to my employer?

If you use the e-learning via our awareness platform ( ), you complete a short quiz at the end of each learning module. Your individual answers in this quiz will not be reported back to the employer. As a rule, your employer only receives information about when you registered on our e-learning platform and how many modules you have already completed and passed.  In some cases, the employer does not receive any information about this either, but only sees the overall progress of all employees. 

If the awareness training is done via a Learning Management System (LMS) operated by your employer, please ask the relevant department (usually IT or HR) for the data available to your employer.

Which personal data will be processed?

In consultation with your employer and the data protection officer of your company, we will receive a list with the e-mail address data of all employees. This list contains the correct salutation (Mr./Ms.), first name and surname, e-mail address, language and an optional assignment to a user group (e.g., department or location). We require these data in order to carry out the phishing simulation. 

Your employer receives an aggregated and anonymous evaluation of the handling of the e-mails. This evaluation does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the behavior of individual persons. We exclusively process all data within the framework of the existing contractual agreements with your employer (data processing agreement). While doing so, we take extensive measures to protect all data.

Does the training disrupt my work?

Real phishing attacks can occur at any time – including during working hours. Cybercriminals target companies, and companies and private individuals suffer high financial losses due to phishing and fraud on the Internet every year.  

Our phishing simulation is designed in such a way that you will not experience any time-consuming disruptions during your daily work, but will nevertheless receive effective training on how to deal with phishing. In addition, with our E-Learning Platform, we offer you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of topics related to cyber security in short learning modules. With this knowledge you protect yourself and your company against phishing attacks online.

Do I receive proof of my learning success?

Yes, as a registered user on our E-Learning Platform you can receive a personal certificate. This allows you to document completion of the e-learning modules and that you have passed the knowledge tests. 

Depending on the e-learning configuration, you can download your certificate after finishing all mandatory modules or after completing the currently available mandatory modules.  

If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch with your support contact. 

I have a question concerning a topic of the awareness training or learning page. Who can I contact?

If you have any questions regarding the use of IT in your company, please contact your company’s IT department first. If you have any questions about our phishing emails or our awareness training, please feel free to contact our support team.

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