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User management: what is the SoSafe ID?

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Via SoSafe ID you can easily locate and update a large number of existing email addresses in the system.

Initial problem: 

The records in our system are identified and assigned via the email address in the Excel when updates are made. If, for example, mustermann@ihrunternehmen.DE in the SoSafe system is to be changed to mustermann@ihrunternehmen.COM (Excel file), this assignment can no longer be made via the email address.

An update via SoSafe-ID looks like this, for example:

  • After importing the data via the Excel template, the system automatically creates a SoSafe ID for each user record in the background, via which it can be uniquely identified.

  • To obtain the SoSafe IDs, export user data as a .csv file after import.

  • Change the email addresses as desired in the exported .csv file and upload it with the User Management, including the SoSafe ID contained there.

  • The SoSafe System automatically recognizes the SoSafe ID and uses the SoSafe ID to associate the user records from the upload file and the SoSafe system. You can continue with the import as usual.

The system will display the SoSafe ID in the attribute mapping if it is recognized. For the recognition of the data, please make sure that the name of the SoSafe ID column in the Excel file has not been changed.

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