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Error codes for Phishing Report Button

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The Phishing Report Button displays different codes in case of an error to indicate the technical cause. The following list provides an overview of the different codes and their meaning: 


Phishing Report Button error codes:



Possible solutions


Cannot retrieve License

  • File / URL deployment

    • Make sure you received the correct Manifest XML / URL from SoSafe

  • AppSource

    • Your account is not connected to an Azure AD tenant


The SoSafe Phishing-Reporting is not activated for your organization.

Make sure you have an active SoSafe license.


Settings could not be retrieved from the SoSafe API.

Make sure the client can access all required SoSafe resources:


Exchange access token could not be retrieved.

This token is necessary for accessing the user's mailbox.

Make sure the client has access to the required Microsoft Exchange Services:

  • EWS or REST API is not activated on the Exchange server

  • Outlook cannot determine the URL of the Exchange server

  • Expired Exchange certificates


This item type is not supported. Only email messages are supported.

Check if you are trying to report something other than an email:
e.g. Calendar entry or SMTP Non Delivery Notification ("bounce message")


Loading email failed.


Reporting to SoSafe services failed.

Make sure the client can access all required SoSafe resources:


Reporting to SoSafe services failed.

Make sure the client can access all required SoSafe resources:


Reporting to SoSafe services failed.

Make sure the client can access all required SoSafe resources:


Sending the email failed.

  • Recipient addresses are not available

  • Permissions are missing

  • REST API: Make sure your Outlook client supports the REST API. See the compatibility matrix.


Deleting / Moving email failed.

  • Permissions are missing

  • The target folder is not available


Deleting / Moving email failed.

  • Permissions are missing

  • The target folder is not available

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.