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Advanced delivery for third-party phishing simulations (Microsoft 365)

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To ensure that all simulated phishing emails actually reach their intended recipients, advanced delivery must be set up in Microsoft 365 Defender. Doing so only takes a few minutes and we have prepared a step-by-step guide to make things easy for you.

  1. Log in to your email server portal with an administrator account and select Security.

  2. Select Policies & rules and then Threat policies.

  3. Under Rules, select Advanced delivery.

  4. Here, first select the tab called Phishing simulation and then select Edit. A new window titled Edit third party phishing simulations will open.

  5. In the corresponding fields, enter the whitelisting information provided in the SoSafe Manager (Settings / Whitelisting) as follows:

    1. The domains provided under Envelope sender addresses (technical senders) belong in Sending Domain on the Microsoft page. Note that only the domain, the part after the @ (, should be added here, not the entire address.

    2. The IPv4 addresses provided under SoSafe mail servers belongs in Sending IP on the Microsoft page.

    3. The domains/URLs provided under List of used domains in the phishing links belong under Simulation URLs to allow on the Microsoft page. Please use the following format: "".

  6. Select Save to finish the process. It may take some time for the changes to take effect.

Whitelisting Settings.png

Settings / Whitelisting in the Manager


Edit third party phishing simulations on the Microsoft page

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