Phishing Report Button user manual
The Phishing Report Button (PRB) is a so-called add-in for Microsoft Outlook and allows you to report emails you think might be malicious. Doing so is important to help protect your organization against cyber attacks.
Where can I find the Phishing Report Button?
On your Windows PC or Mac, the Phishing Report Button can be found in the Outlook toolbar. To find the button on mobile devices or in the Outlook Web App (OWA), select the name of your device down below.

How do I use the Phishing Report Button?
It is possible that the reporting process looks slightly different for you. This is because your organization may have customized the Phishing Report Button.
To start the email reporting process, select the Phishing Report Button (see above). A new dialog will open.
Select Report email to proceed.
In this step, you can explore certain details about the email. These include the email’s sender, links, content and attachments. You can use this information to make a better reporting decision. Select Continue to proceed.
If your organization has enabled this option, you will be asked to provide a reason for reporting this email. Choose whatever option(s) you think fit best. In some cases, you can also add a custom message. Select Send to report the email.
Great job! What you’re seeing now depends on whether you reported a simulated phishing email sent by SoSafe or an external email.
If you reported a simulated phishing email, we’ll let you know immediately. There was no danger to your organization and you did exactly what you were supposed to do.
If you reported an external email, that email will be forwarded to your organization’s helpdesk or security team. They will take a look at it and determine whether something needs to be done or not.

1. Start screen

3. Reporting reasons (optional)

2. Learn more

4. Thank you