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E-Learning user overview

If individual user tracking is enabled, this table provides you with user-specific metrics for all users that were invited to register.



First name

User’s first name (given name)

Last name

User’s last name (family name)


User’s email address

User group

User’s user group


Registration date if the user has registered.

Otherwise shows “Not registered”.

All passed

“Yes” if all modules passed and module count is greater than 0.

“No” otherwise.

Modules passed

Number of modules passed divided by the number of modules assigned.

Clicking the eye icon shows the user’s individual module results.

Overdue mandatory modules

Number of incomplete mandatory modules with a due date in the past divided by the total number of mandatory modules with a due date in the past.

If this value is 0 for all users in the table, then this column is not shown.

Completion results

Average score of all passed modules for the user.


Contains a button to download individual certificates in a ZIP file if the user has completed all mandatory modules. When incomplete, the button shows as disabled.

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