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E-Learning metrics

These definitions apply to our Personalized Learning platform. For users of our classic e-learning platform, they might differ slightly.

Overview metrics

These metrics aim to give you the most important KPIs at a glance.

Registration rate


The registration rate shows how many of the users that were invited to the e-learning have successfully registered.


Registration count / Potential user count


Only registered users can actually participate in the e-learning. The higher the registration rate, the better.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 10.52.22.png

Starting rate

The starting rate shows how many of the users that were invited to the e-learning have finished at least one lesson.


Started user count / Potential user count


Completing a lesson is the next step in terms of engagement after registering. The higher the starting rate, the better.


Completion rate


The completion rate shows how many of the users that were invited to the e-learning have finished all lessons. Note: At the top of the e-learning Analytics page, you can select whether all lessons should be taken into account, or whether you only want to consider either mandatory or optional lessons. When you’re using Personalized Learning, the completion rate will by default only factor in mandatory lessons.


Completion count / Potential user count


This metric can vary substantially depending on how many lessons are included in your e-learning and how much time has passed. While a high completion rate is desireable, it is normal for it to take a while. Steady learning over time instead of forcing your users to complete the e-learning as quickly as possible leads to better outcomes.


Using multiple tenants? Select the expand below this box to learn how these metrics are affected

E-Learning overview metrics

For all metrics mentioned above, the calculation for multiple tenant scenarios simply adds the metric components from each tenant to calculate an overall result.

For example:
Tenant 1: Registration count: 400, potential user count: 500

Tenant 2: Registration count: 200, potential user count: 500

Combined registration rate: (400 + 200) / (500 + 500) = 600 / 1000 = 60%

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