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E-Learning completion score metrics

Overall completion score



This shows the arithmetic mean of all scores users have achieved when finishing a module. Events where users do not complete or fail a module are not included.

Completion results by user group



This shows the same data as the overall Completion Score but breaks it down by user group. Again, incomplete modules or failed attempts are not included.

Completion results by module



This shows the average completion scores broken down by module. Again, incomplete modules or failed attempts are not included.

Using multiple tenants? Select the expand below this box to learn how these metrics are affected

Multi-tenant behavior for e-completion score metrics

Overall Completion Score

The arithmetic mean is calculated for users from all tenants..

Completion results by user group

Since user groups exist within a single tenant, multiple tenants will simply show the union of all user group scores in each tenant.

Completion results by module

The scores shown represent the average from all selected tenants.

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