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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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How to I set-up a client’s training?

You will need to add a new client first, via the Add client button. The interface will guide you through the setup. If you need additional materials, you will find a setup manual when you click on your name in the top right corner and select Instructions.

What additional materials do you offer to guide the setup?

We offer three additional documents to guide you through the setup:

  • The “Manual” will guide you through the steps needed to navigate the platform.

  • The “Awareness Building Process” includes a slide deck you can use to communicate the training to your client.

  • The “Communication drafts” give you examples on how to communicate the training within your client’s organization.

How do I set up the whitelisting?

Depending on the setup with your customer, you can either do it yourself or will need your customer’s email/IT admin to implement the changes. You will receive a list of items to whitelist during the setup process.

You can also find helpful articles for implementing the whitelisting in several environments in our Knowledge Base.

Please test the whitelisting. To do so, send all test emails to an inbox that uses your client’s domain, have the client check whether they were all received. In addition, the customer should check whether they are being forwarded to the learning pages correctly when clicking the links.

User Data

How do I add end users (learners)?

You can add your client’s users by using our Excel template (you will find it in the respective section of the setup). To do so, enter the required information in the shaded columns. 

For an optimal usage of our product, we do not recommend the usage of distribution lists (e.g., or!

Afterwards you can upload the file via drag & drop in the designated area and the user list on the platform will update automatically. If you do not see the new data immediately, please log out of your account, clear your cache (see How to empty your web browser's cache) and log in again. 

How do I add partner admin users?

To add additional administrators, please reach out to your Partner Manager.

How long will user data be stored?

We generally store user data for the period of service provision and permanently delete them from our system upon termination. However, you can of course request that we delete data prematurely at any time during an ongoing campaign.  

Additionally, you can manually deactivate or delete individual users. In the event of a deletion, you have the option to delete either only the user from the user list or also the corresponding e-learning account with the associated learning results.


No e-learning invitations were sent / I would like to send the e-learning invitations again

Anyone who is part of the user list can register at . Feel free to share this link internally. 

If there have been any problems with sending the invitation email, please double check your whitelisting and then reach out to your Partner Manager.

What is the difference between individual and anonymous tracking?

The anonymous evaluation gives you a general overview of user behavior. For example, you can gain insight into the number of registered users (in absolute numbers and in comparison to the total number of users in your data), the average number of completed modules, and the average result.

 When individual tracking is enabled, you will also receive the following information per user:

  • Registration date

  • Number of modules passed

  • Score of the passed modules

  • Possibility to download the certificates centrally

Note: the Phishing Simulation is always tracked anonymously.

Can we set the language for the company level or the end user level per customer?

The language an end user receives their content in (e-learning and phishing simulation) is going to be managed through the user list. They will receive content in the language specified in the user data. Users can however also switch their e-learning language individually once they have registered.

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