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Installation manual for Google Workspace

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This document shows how you can install the SoSafe Phishing Report Button add-in for Google if you use Gmail. 

Using the Phishing Report Button, all your employees can report suspicious emails as phishing attempts in their Gmail program. If the reported email was one of our phishing simulations, the user receives a message that they successfully detected our phishing attempt. If the reported email is not from us, the case will be automatically forwarded to your IT department for examination. The forwarding address can be chosen freely. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.


  • Google Workspace

  • Google Workspace account with admin access.

  • A valid SoSafe license (talk to your Implementation Manager)


Install SoSafe Phishing-Reporting from the Google Workspace Marketplace:


During the installation process a pop-up will open, asking you to grant SoSafe Phishing-Reporting access to the data listed below. Fill in the checkbox and click on ALLOW to grant access and install the app.

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After this a notification will appear: SoSafe Phishing-Reporting has been installed!

Whitelist the SoSafe Phishing-Reporting App

This step ensures that your users won’t see an Unverified App message inside Gmail.

Note: This step can only be performed once the app is rolled out to at least one user.

According to Google it may take up to 24 hours.

In Google Admin visit the  “App access control” page with the following URL:

Perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Manage Third-Party App Access.

    rtaImage (2).jpeg

  2. Click on Change access on SoSafe Phishing-Reporting App.

    rtaImage (3).jpeg

  3. Change Access configuration to "Trusted".

    rtaImage (4).jpeg

SoSafe Phishing-Reporting App is not visible

In some cases an installed App does not appear. If you do not see your SoSafe Phishing-Reporting App and you waited minimum 24h, you can do the following steps:

  1. Click on Configure new app:


  2. Search for SoSafe and select Web. Then click on the first (top) search result, ignore the rest.


  3. Now you should have the App available in your list.

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