Create a Smishing Simulation
Smishing, short for SMS phishing, is a cyber attack vector that uses text messages instead of emails to target individuals. Thanks to SoSafe, you can now also raise awareness about these types of attacks. If you’ve set up your own SoSafe Phishing Simulation before, setting up your own Smishing Simulation works pretty much exactly the same. And if you haven’t, don’t worry, it’ll only take a few minutes!
You can either watch our walkthrough demo or continue to the step-by-step guide below.
Walkthrough demo
Step-by-step guide
Navigate to Phishing Simulation / SMS Simulation in the Manager to get started!
This is your starting point. If you already have created Smishing Simulations, these will show up here. Since we haven’t done so yet, let’s select Create smishing simulation.

1. Templates
In our first step, we select which templates we want our simulation to use. Select the eye icon to get a preview of the content. The more relevant these templates are to your employees' work context, the better they will work.

2. Targets
Next we’ll decide who will receive these SMS messages throughout the Simulation. Simply pick from your existing user groups.

3. Schedule
All you need to do here is set an end and a start date. If you’re just experimenting with a small campaign, we recommend a short schedule. For proper training, longer timeframes are recommended for both convenience and effectiveness.

5. Review
In this step you’ll get a brief recap of the settings you just chose. You can make changes in the corresponding sections by selecting Edit. We also recommend naming your Simulation. Once you’re done, select Add simulation. That’s it! On your chosen start date, we’ll start sending out SMS to keep your employees on their toes.