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Vanta Integration

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This integration automates the collection of data on completed employee cyber security & awareness training statuses in Vanta. 

Vanta is a GRC (Governance, risk and compliance) tool to help with your compliance monitoring. The integration will forward completion data of your e-learning progress to the GRC tool so that you can monitor it centrally.


  1. Have a Vanta license

    1. If you do not have a Vanta license, you can sign up with our partner via SoSafe Perks and claim a 1,000 euro discount for getting started:

  2. You have E-Learning running on our Personalized Learning Engine

    1. Make sure that all lessons needed to be compliant with your framework are marked as mandatory

  3. Individual reporting is turned on

    1. Vanta requires status information on a per-user level. We can not give away this information for legal reasons unless individual reporting is enabled in your Personalized Learning settings.


  1. In the SoSafe Manager, navigate to Settings / Integrations, or go there directly via this link:

  2. Scroll through the page until you see the option for Vanta and hit Connect

  3. Read and acknowledge the compliance requirements

  4. A new dialog window will open. Read the description and select Connect

  5. A pop-up will ask you to authenticate the app within your Vanta account. Allow the connection with your Vanta admin credentials and wait for the pop-up to close automatically

  6. Close the remaining pop-ups and refresh the Integrations page

  7. The Vanta integration will now be marked as “connected” in the Integrations page

Frequently asked questions

What frameworks are included?

With our content, we specifically support ISO 27001, PCI-DSS within the Vanta integration.

Note: While our content supports a variety of frameworks, you need to make a final decision on what compliance with each framework means in your case (potentially adding custom modules based on the industry, type of business, etc.). All lessons that are needed for compliance must be marked as mandatory in SoSafe.

When will a user be considered “completed” for the Vanta integration?

A users will be considered “completed”, once they completed all mandatory lessons assigned.

What happens if lessons are assigned mandatory at a later stage?

If the learning paths were manually changed and lessons assigned mandatory at a later stage, the user’s status will switch back to not completed until they completed all their mandatory lessons.

What happens if lessons need to be repeated at a later stage?

When the learner’s enter the repetition period, their status will change back to not completed until they completed all open mandatory lessons.

What to do if I cannot access the Integrations page or Vanta Integration?

Please check with your SoSafe contact person whether you are on the necessary package to utilize Analytics integrations.

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