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SCORM: Downloading e-learning modules as SCORM files

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Depending on the package booked, you can get access to the learning modules as SCORM containers on request and integrate them into your own Learning Management System (LMS).  

Log in to SoSafe Manager. From the menu, select E-Learning and then SCORM

1. Enable sound in SCORM files:  

Select whether to enable sound in downloaded modules. After uploading to your LMS, the sound must then also be activated there.

2. Configuring the closing of finished modules using blank.htm:

In some LMSs, closing at the end of modules may not work correctly. In this case, we recommend you to try another one instead of the default blank.htm, which fits your requirements and harmonizes with your LMS. 

  • Default (default)

  • Show hint for closing window 

  • Close window automatically 

    • If you use SAP SuccessFactors as your LMS, we recommend this option. 

  • Display prompt to close window only after timer is up

    • In some LMSs, it may be useful for the user not to close the window immediately after completing a module, but to wait a few seconds, otherwise the progress will not be saved properly. In this case, the user sees an expiring timer and the hint to close the window only after it has expired.

3. Customize the import of SCORM files into your LMS using bundle options:   

By default, modules are provided individually and not bundled to give you as much freedom as possible when importing modules into your LMS. However, in some cases, e.g. when multiple languages are available, it makes sense to resort to bundling. 

  1. Single (default): 

A SCORM-compatible ZIP file is created for each module. Each module must be integrated into the LMS individually, for each available language. This gives you the ability to define the order and timing of activation for each module.  

  • Advantage: You can control the order and timing of unlocking for each module. When the employee completes and passes the module, it is marked as passed in their LMS. 

  • Drawback: You need to import each module individually.

  1. Individual categories (including modules), divided into individual languages: 

SCORM-compatible ZIP files are generated for each category in all available languages. So only whole categories in different languages can be uploaded. 

  • Advantage: The number of files to be imported is reduced. 

  • Drawback: You can only control the order and timing of unlocking for each category and the employee must complete and pass the entire category before it is marked as passed in the LMS. 

  1. All categories (including modules) bundled, divided into individual languages:  

You will receive SCORM-compatible ZIP files for the available languages that already contain all categories and associated modules. Thus, one language with all categories and associated modules is always loaded into the LMS.  

  • Advantage: The number of files to be imported is reduced. 

  • Drawback: You can only control the order and timing of unlocking for each language and have no control over the order in which the modules are unlocked. In addition, the employee must complete and pass all available modules before they are marked as passed in the LMS. 

  1. All categories (incl. modules) bundled, divided into individual languages - SoSafe learning path sequence:  

The folder structure is analogous to " All categories bundled with modules, divided into individual language versions ", but the modules are in a predefined SoSafe learning path order. 

  • Advantage: The number of files to import is reduced. 

  • Drawback: You can only control the order and timing of unlocking for each language and have no control over the order in which the modules are unlocked. In addition, the employee must complete and pass all available modules before they are marked as passed in the LMS. 

  1. All categories (including modules) bundled, each language in one module:

You will receive a SCORM-compatible ZIP file for each module. This file already contains all languages, so there is only one ZIP file per module.
These modules each contain a start page where the user can select the desired language himself before the module starts.

  • Advantage: You only have to import one file per module. An additional bundling by categories is not possible. Placeholders: As long as the placeholders (part of the premium package) are filled in every available language, there is no limitation. However, if a placeholder is filled only on one language, this placeholder will appear in this language also in the other language modules. In some learning management systems (LMS) it is not possible to assign the appropriate languages to individual users. This is where this solution helps.

  • Drawback: Additional bundling by categories is not possible. Placeholder: As long as the placeholders (part of the premium package) are filled in every available language, there is no limitation. However, if a placeholder is filled only on one language, this placeholder will appear in this language also in the other language modules.

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